Friday, January 14, 2011

A response to some recent comments on the Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 blog

A response to some recent comments on the Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 blog

THUGS, MORONS, and Marc-loving LOSERS love to come over to the Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 blog and try their reverse-psychology bullshit. Here are some of their recent comments, and our response (we have reproduced all spelling & grammar errors, by the way):

1.  “Who’s big mouth is open here? And who’s foot is in it all the time? You people have no life. No hope. Nothing of your own and you won’t ever find peace or happiness on this Earth.”

This sad attempt at tearing down Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 is so pathetic that it hardly deserves a response. How could this idiot know anything about who’s behind Marc Adamus LIES 2.0?

2. “Just like everything else here, you just make up what you want an provide not one shred of proof of anything.”

We’ve provided numerous quotes from Marc Adamus, numerous links to stuff he has said, and so on. This outright invention must be coming from the minds of a delusional idiot who no doubt wants to suck Marc’s small penis.

3. “You sir, are awesome. Without such publicity who would Marc be anyway? Are you sure you are not actually Marc Adamus…”

Utterly stupid. Why would Marc Adamus create a website to draw attention to all of his faults and lies? This is a sad attempt to convince us that Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 isn’t working.

4.” Entertaining! Obviously the work of a complete madman, but yet still entertaining! Crazy people can definitely be funny in their own way.
Did you mention Marc was also the anti-Christ and feeds at night on the blood of children yet?”

We think the madman here is the loser who wrote this comment. Is it “crazy” to draw attention to fraud and deceit in business? Of course not. Yet there will always be detractors, usually with some stake in bashing the whistleblowers, who invent crazy theories to discredit people like us.

5. Mark has sold his images to enough prestigious publications around the world to make you jealous enough to spew lies like this, that’s for sure. His work has continuously appeared in the best of the best out there and you know it.

First of all, despite what this lying sack of shit thinks, “you know it” isn’t verifiable proof any Marc Adamus publication. Marc Adamus doesn’t sell images to any prestigious publications because these venues aren’t interested in his fake, Photoshopped garbage. And claiming that our work is motivated by “jealousy” is as ridiculous as claiming any other whistle-blowing is merely motivated by “jealousy”.

6. Your new site will be taken down. And every single site you ever create will be taken down. It will happen soon, so there’s no point in continuing the same homophobic garbage you started on the last site that you claim wasn’t you. It’s coming and you can’t avoid it. Sorry to break it to you.

First of all, Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 isn’t going anywhere. In fact, our host had only recently told Marc Adamus to take a hike (pun intended). As for Marc Adamus LIES 1.0 and the small amount of “homophobic” content that was present, we were not responsible for it, as Marc Adamus LIES 1.0 was run by someone else. Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 doesn’t actually contain a single reference to homosexuality at this time; this comment is a pure invention.

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