Sunday, January 9, 2011

Part two of our analysis of the Marc Adamus Manifesto, “One way to Photograph North America”

Part two of our analysis of the Marc Adamus Manifesto, “One way to Photograph North America”.

Part two  of our analysis of the Marc Adamus Manifesto, “One way to Photograph North America”.

  At Marc Adamus LIES 2.0, we have to say that Marc Adamus has really outdone himself with his latest expose. We’re certain that a better example of empty boasts, flowery rhetoric, and outright bullshit won’t be found for some time (maybe ever). Since Marc Adamus just can’t help himself, the manifesto also contains a great number of lies, unsubstantiated boasts, and some useful information that casts a new light on who Marc really is. Part two of this multi-part series:

4. For me, the ability to share something of my travels with other people has always been of nearly equal importance as the travels themselves, particularly over recent years. It was a desire to share my backpacking and mountaineering endeavors that first interested me in photography when I was around twenty. I have volunteered to lead wilderness hikes since I was about the same age while working at a local mountain shop and I have designed every one of the hundreds of trips I have ever undertaken with friends. My friends have realized things don't often go exactly as planned, but we often have all the adventure we can take! Two weeks into my recent travels, folks participating in my photo-tour at Glacier National Park would realize this as well.

 “….the ability to share something of my travels with other people has always been of nearly equal importance as the travels themselves, particularly over recent years”: Lie. All that’s important to Marc is that he becomes famous. Many losers and “photofrauds” say that they just want to “share” their “vision” with the rest of us.

“….it was a desire to share my backpacking and mountaineering endeavors that first interested me in photography when I was around twenty”:  Lie. No one cares about Marc’s “backpacking” endeavors, and he’s not a mountaineer and hasn’t had any mountaineering experiences of any sort. 

“…..I have volunteered to lead wilderness hikes since I was about the same age while working at a local mountain shop”: Smells like bullshit. Are there even any mountain shops in Corvallis? Highly unlikely. And it is implausible that Marc was “leading” any “wilderness hikes”. When people want to hike somewhere in Oregon, they drive to the trailhead and hike. There is very little in this state that could be considered remote wilderness, and none of it anywhere close to Corvallis.

“….and I have designed every one of the hundreds of trips I have undertaken with friends”: Lie. Are we supposed to believe that Marc literally “designed” (whatever that means) and undertook “hundreds of trips” in the span of a couple years?

5. I loaded up and hit the road on a sunny 80-degree day and began the 10-hour drive to northern Montana in my expedition-modified rig, a Toyota FJ. The FJ is not all that large but it's extremely capable in any driving situation, which I regularly encounter in my sixty thousand mile-per-year schedule. My list of necessary equipment for three months of travels spanning from Alaska to Arizona is considerably smaller than one might imagine, though. To picture it, realize that I can actually sleep in the back of my vehicle at night and not have to take anything else out and set on the ground. I am very much a minimalist.”

“… my expedition-modified rig, a Toyota FJ”: What happened to the bumper-sticker adorned Subaru? A Toyota FJ is not exactly the vehicle of choice for “wilderness-loving” liberals such as Marc. And notice the careful use of rhetoric such as “expedition-modified” and “rig”.  We are assuming that the FJ is, of course, an automatic, and Marc still can’t drive a stick shift, like any real man can.

“…..I but it’s extremely capable in any driving situation, which I regularly encounter in my sixty-thousand mile per year schedule”: Meaningless claptrap. Who cares how many miles Marc drives? And who cares how capable the FJ is or isn’t? None of Marc’s so-called “adventures” actually require anything more capable than a pickup truck or the Subaru he used to drive.

“….to picture it, realize that I can actually sleep in the back of my vehicle at night and not have to take anything else out and set it on the ground”: Yes, we get it Marc. You’re short, have a small penis, but a big mouth.

“….I am very much a minimalist”: Except when you open your big mouth, of course.

See part 3 of this soon to be extensive series soon.


  1. Who's big mouth is open here? And who's foot is in it all the time? You people have no life. No hope. Nothing of your own and you won't ever find peace or happiness on this Earth. I'm terribly sorry for you. Thank you to Marc for sharing his passions. There's nothing you say here that could even remotely dispel who Marc is and has proven to be.

  2. Just like everything else here, you just make up what you want an provide not one shred of proof of anything. Toss in the usual homophobic/fourth-grade remark and then call it done. How's that working for you, anyway? Do you sit down and just laugh or cry at how pitiful you are sometimes?

  3. We've quoted actual Marc Adamus material here, and proceeded to provide a reasoned analysis. But for a real believer, there is no amount of proof that will suffice. You sounds pretty desperate yourself. How's that working out for you?

  4. Now youre picking on his car? Man this is just hilarious now.
