Saturday, January 8, 2011

Does Marc Adamus have a small penis & the Napoleon complex? A RX for Marc Adamus!

Marc Adamus: Napoleon Complex LOSER who has a small penis?

 New information leads us to believe that Marc Adamus suffers from the so-called Napoleon Complex. Basically, it says that short men tend to overcompensate for their height. Marc, of course, is the undisputed King of bullshit and overcompensation. The latest "article" Marc has posted on the so-called online magazine only confirms this. Full of speculative nonsense, outright lies, and all sorts of dubious statements, Marc obviously spent a long time on this lame manifesto. However, no amount of bullshit can fix a 5'6" frame and a short penis (hey, comes with the territory), and Marc proves this again and again. In fact, most of the LOSERS who buy "workshops" from Marc happen to be both taller and heavier than he is. What an embarrassment! We're going to be writing for a long, long time about his latest nonsense, but in the meantime, here's a prescription for Marc's shortcomings. We hope he fills this 'scrip immediately. No man should have to live with Marc's "shortcomings", if you know what we mean:

1 comment:

  1. Entertaining! Obviously the work of a complete madman, but yet still entertaining! Crazy people can definitely be funny in their own way.

    Did you mention Marc was also the anti-Christ and feeds at night on the blood of children yet?
