You will often hear about Marc Adamus and wilderness. Wilderness, wilderness, wilderness. Marc like repeating that word. In fact, his website says, at the very top, “unforgettable wilderness photography”. And in his bio, he spews “we NEED wilderness.” I assume all this emphasis on “wilderness” is supposed to tell us Small People that worrying about our jobs or family is for the petty and ignorant. Real Men, who are 5’6” like Marc Adamus, are always worrying about Wilderness. Except, is this true?
What has Marc Adamus ever done for Wilderness?
Nothing! Not a single thing!
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Commercial Fine Art is merely Marc Adamus' latest attempt to be famous. |
Here are some of the things, however, that Marc has done to damage wilderness or nature:
1. Encouraged uncaring, vain LOSERS to trample sensitive ground in the Columbia River Gorge NSA while taking “workshops” or “photo tours” and desperately hoping to copy Marc Adamus images. One only need view the preferred shooting location at Elowah Falls to see the great deal of damage hordes of SCUM have caused in their desire to copy Marc.
2. Trampled sovereign Indian land because of his desire (in his own words) to camp in pristine, unprepared areas. (See Marc’s manifesto, One Way to Photograph North America, for this).
3. Encouraged the same vain LOSERS to trample other wild or natural areas in their vain attempts to copy Marc Adamus and become “famous” on the Internet.
4. Neglected to teach same THUGS & MORONS anything about photographic or wilderness ethics, mostly because he has none himself. Wilderness and nature deserves respect and care. The cattle-like hordes that follow Marc around don’t give a shit about sensitive wildflowers or meadows. All they care about is copying Marc’s images, and then, hopefully becoming Famous.
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Marc Adamus is a fame whore. His own statements, like this one, just prove it over, and over again. |
What does a person who actually believes in Wilderness do? Say, Art Wolfe:
1. Writes about industry’s impact on nature & wilderness in newspapers, online, and in books. Lobbies for protection for wild areas currently not closed to development or exploitation.
2. Speaks at Wilderness Congresses and to legislators.
3. Donates time & money to wilderness-preserving causes.
4. Writes books about sensitive areas around the world.
Has Marc done a single one of these things? NO! Instead, he has trumpeted his own greatness and celebrated himself (NOT wilderness) on various online venues, spreading LIES and FRAUD to make himself appear to be a Really Big Photographer. To satisfy his own lust, he and his THUGS selflishly trample on meadows that were only preserved by the hard work of others. Marc Adamus has never done anything, anything for wilderness! And he never will. He’s a vain prick who’s obsessed with his own greatness. Probably spends all day long masturbating to his own visage in the mirror.
What is the point I’m trying to drive home with this post? Never believe anything Marc Adamus says. He’s a selfish, self-serving psychopath who wants to be famous. Nothing less and nothing more. Anyone who’s a “fan” is merely being used to achieve Marc’s aims. No one will gain anything from copying Marc’s images or taking five or his workshops. Ten years from now, they’ll look back on their foolishness and want to cry for wasting so much money on vain idiocy.
Furthermore, wilderness lovers don’t run around with tripods and heavy cameras, desperate for colorful sunsets to “share” with other idiots on Flickr or They most often carry point & shoots to document their adventures, leaving the professional shooting to pros like Art, who isn’t going to backstab other photographers with $50 prints or 50 cent Istockphoto image licensing.
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