Thursday, January 27, 2011

Marc Adamus LIE #3: My style is immediately recognizable

Marc Adamus LIE #3

Marc Adamus loves to pretend that his images are unique and are immediately recognizable. This is a bullshit LIE. There are so many copies of Marc Adamus images, many identical down to the last detail, that Marc Adamus’ “style” is anything but unique. There’s a better word to describe it: clichéd. If Marc Adamus had properly protected his copyright, as is his obligation, this wouldn’t have been the case. Don’t believe us? Here’s a picture of LOSER terrorists busy copying a Marc Adamus image:

How can Marc Adamus images be “immediately recognizable” when this is happening? Does Marc Adamus have anything to say about this sort of thing? We’re waiting for a reasonable explanation!

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