Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why is Marc Adamus' final goal? Vanity & fame, NOT a sustainable business!

Marc Adamus' Goals

  Remember when Marc Adamus LIES 1.0 said that Marc's only goal was to be famous:

(our thanks to Marc Adamus LIES 1.0 for doing the background work on these Marc Adamus claims, back when it was still possible to dig this stuff up)

  As it turned out, they were right! Remember to ignore the cries of the THUGS & MORONS. We're talking about a liar who has branded himself as (arguably) "the most talent photographer today",  and has expressed a desire to be "the most recognized and influential landscape photographer of his time". 

 If any other random dude made these claims, he'd be laughed off the stage! But Marc can say anything he wants, because his followers, as well as all internet photography groupies, are really just a bunch of fat, vain white (mostly) old men who have comfortable middle class careers, but desire fame & recognition. The other group of fans is the young punks like Floris van Breugel. The sort of "photography" practiced by these losers has nothing to do with enjoying taking images, enjoying "wilderness" or the outdoors", or wishing to "share my experiences with the public". These are all lies spewed by THUGS & MORONS, because they can't exactly admit they just want to be famous. 

 And Marc Adamus is the original fame whore! Back before we were around, he felt OK making claims like "wanting to be recognized as the best". Now he is simply saying that he is the best, amid the chorus of agreement from losers on or The Marc Adamus strategy is simple. Fill as many forums and websites with his lies as possible, so that any possible shred of truth from Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 is overwhelmed by a tsunami of pro-Marc Adamus lies. So far, it hasn't worked. That could change at any time, given Marc's maniacal desire for fame, and his THUGS' desire to kill or torture us.

 But, dear readers, Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 is ready to take it the the end to fulfill our mission. Stay tuned for more material soon!

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