As you all know, Miles Morgan is a thief, a copyright violator, and completely lacking in shame or critical self-evaluation. You can see more about that here. He has stolen the images of other photographers, meaning to emulate the composition and style of these photographers as closely as possible (a copyright violation and a violation of common courtesy). One of these photographers is Marc Adamus. Now, Marc Adamus is a coward who refuses to protect his copyright. Why? Marc sells a ton of bogus photo tours, which provide a great deal of his income. He’s afraid that if he enforces his copyright, sales of photo tours will dwindle.
We don’t know if Miles Morgan has taken a Marc Adamus photo tour. It’s quite likely that he has. We do know, by his own words, that he got started in this whole thing by taking a Photo Cascadia/NWphototours.com photo workshop. We’ve covered Kevin Mcneal and Adrian Klein time and time again. They are nothing but scam artists, gleefully selling bogus photo workshops to scum who want nothing more than a point & click process of copying real photographers and appropriating their vision. A workshop is a great way to learn the basics of being an immoral, shameless thief.
And Miles Morgan is a thief, period. He has stolen landscape compositions and thrown them on microstock sites for pennies. Not only does this steal away income from the rightful photographer, but it also devalues images that used to be worth thousands (theoretically) and completely destroys any possibility of future, legitimate licensing by the original photographer. Why pay someone $500 for an image license when Miles Morgan has an exact copy for $5?
Anyway, many would agree that the time has come to put a stop to Miles Morgan, and make an example of him, as well. Which brings us to the Miles Morgan Ultimatum.
Miles Morgan has 10 days to remove all images from all stock sites he has placed them on. It doesn’t matter whether he has, or hasn’t stolen some of the images in question. He has demonstrated that he can’t operate in an honest and ethical manner. He must never again place any images on stock sites or attempt to sell any images. He must cease offering prints of any sort on his website.
Once these 10 days are over, a campaign will be started to have Miles Morgan fired from his position at United Airlines. If he’s so willing to commit theft and financial terrorism against other photographers, he doesn’t deserve to benefit from a six figure income that’s completely protected from the ravages of scum like himself. The campaign will target both him and United Airlines, using advertising, websites, blogs, and social media to spread the word. It will be clear that all blame for the boycott is squarely the fault of Miles Morgan, and the boycott will end once he is fired. Attention will be drawn to the fact that a senior pilot engages in unethical behavior and theft, as well as the possibility that he consumes illegal substances for recreation or performance reasons (he does know Ryan Dyar, after all; come on!).
Miles Morgan will be publicly exposed for the lying, thieving psychopath he is, and United Airlines will bear the great embarrassment of employing this imbecile. We have every reason to believe that this approach will succeed in getting Miles Morgan fired. Miles Morgan can crawl back in the cave he came from and keep his job, or he can see how he manages to pay the bills by stealing other people’s images, and selling them for pennies on microstock sites. We want to emphasize that this is not a joke. Should Miles Morgan ignore us and hope that all this just goes away, there will be hell to pay. Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 and Loserphotographers.com awaits proof that Miles Morgan knows when he’s been caught, and is willing to back down and do the right thing.