Friday, March 18, 2011

Why THUGS & MORONS are so desperate to copy Marc Adamus images, among others.

Why copy Marc Adamus photos?

 We have asked ourselves this question, and we’re sure others have, too. Why are the THUGS and MORONS so desperate to copy Marc Adamus (and other notable photographers)? Why? Doesn’t a real artist create his own visions? 

 It turns out that these turds aren’t artists. Of course not. What they are is LOSERS who desperately desire to be famous. Fame requires talent (or a special sort of stupidity, but that’s not the fame they’re looking for). Since these bozos have no talents whatsoever, they feel that stealing someone else’s artwork and pretending it’s their own work is how they feel the fame will be had. Completely untrue, of course. The public looks at someone like Chris Moore MD or Miles Morgan and shake their heads in disgust. “Liar”. “Thief”. “Fraud”. “Pathetic imbecile”. These, and more, are the feelings the general public has for these disgusting LOSERS. And that’s as it should be. No one should celebrate a thief or a fraud. The idiots who comment on their bullshit on Flickr/ are other idiots who don’t care that the image was stolen or lies were spewed about how the image was made. It’s, literally, a den of thieves.
 So it’s quite clear why THUGS/MORONS like “Captain” Miles Morgan or Chris Moore MD want to copy someone like Marc Adamus. In spite of his personality flaws, Marc Adamus is an artist (ignore gasps of horror from the THUGS & MORONS). Yes, he is. He might lie about his fame, bullshit about his “adventures”, and fail to protect his work from theft,  but he’s still an artist. Just not as good an artist as he thinks. Pretty good, but still. 

So anyway, THUGS & MORONS slobber over what they believe is Marc Adamus’ incredible fame. They “wants it” for themselves. Since they have no vision, no ability to create art of their own, they figure, “Oh, I’ll just buy a bunch of fancy gear, copy (steal) all those cool images I see online, and I’ll be famous too!”. We dare anyone to provide a valid rebuttal to this. The SCUM THUGS out there, the thieves and imbeciles like Miles Morgan and Chris Moore MD, know why they are stealing, and it’s for fame. 

 A real artist may copy some classic images to learn techniques, but his goal is to create his own vision. Not to replicate someone else’s vision. That is theft, and fraud. And ignore the bullshit, preposterous claims such as “you can’t copyright nature scenes”. No one has said you can. What is copyright-able, is the artist’s specific interpretation of a scene. The law clearly says this. Dozens of IP attorneys say this. We have linked to some of these pages. The THUGS & SCUM MORONS will not be convinced by this, however. They want to steal, and to hell with all the evidence that stealing is wrong. This is fame we’re talking about, damn it! Who cares if a professional photographer’s feathers are ruffled by the theft of his images, or if his family goes cold because he doesn’t make enough that month to pay the heating bill. The Fame of frauds like Miles Morgan or Chris Moore MD is simply more important. 

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