Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A response to some current and likely Marc Adamus claims regarding the new Marc Adamus LIES 2.0


A short response to some Marc Adamus claims:

Naturally, Marc Adamus is currently scrambling his response to Marc Adamus LIES 2.0. While his first reaction was no doubt putting on a brave face and acting like Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 is irrelevant, in the background, a liar’s wheels are desperately turning as he rushes to respond intelligibly to the latest threat to “stardom”. We are posting this to address some of his current claims & likely future claims:

The outcome is inevitable/this matter is settled

This one really speaks to Marc's hubris. He thinks that Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 will be quickly silenced and he'll be back to business as usual in no time. Of course, he is sorely mistaken.

I am worred/concerned/I fear for my life/this is scary!

These statements are cowardly lies that speak to Marc's fear-mongering machinations/inventions. Of course, Marc does not fear for his life. Marc Adamus LIES 1.0 never made any threats against Marc, and Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 continues this tradition with a guarantee: we do not advocate violence of any sort toward Marc Adamus or his loser entourage. Our mode of action is purely journalistic. Marc's “friends”, however, will seize the opportunity to make all sort of threats against Marc Adamus LIES 2.0. They did it last time, and they'll do it again this time. If anyone should be fearing for their lives, it’s us, the operators of Marc Adamus LIES 2.0.

These people are stalking me!

This claim is preposterous. Because Marc Adamus has placed his “images” in multiple online locations and insistently sought “critiques” (placed in quotes because he’s really only looking for positive critiques), Marc has removed any expectation of privacy. In fact, he desires that people dig up all the juicy tidbits and spread it far and wide. The fact that his voluminous bs is now used in criticisms of him doesn’t make it stalking. We are not sitting outside his window and spying on him; we are simply accessing publicly available information that he made available to further his fraudulent goals.

We are pleased to announce a new Marc Adamus LIES 2.0 article:
 The original Marc Adamus LIES 1.0 blog is available at .There will be no new content on that blog, as the original operators declined to transfer it to us. All new content will be on this blog.


  1. You can believe what you like. It is no surprise that the LOSERS think that only "one" person is behind everything. It's a typical tactic used to isolate and dismiss internet critics. Pretend that there is only one malinger and proceed to destroy his/her confidence. Sorry, it won't work. Anyway, it hardly matters what you believe, since this blog is about Marc, not the people/person behind Marc Adamus LIES.

    PS: We contacted Marc Adamus LIES 1.0 and thankfully gained their confidence. A condition of using the Marc Adamus LIES branding was adopting a similar style, to a certain extent. All the best!

  2. This is disgusting. Do you guys have nothing better to do?

  3. Great site and hope it lives forever!!

    Always entertaining that I'm not the only that thinks he's full of bull!

  4. Marc couldn't survive with out the internet.
