Sunday, December 26, 2010

Marc Adamus LIE #2: "Marc has been acclaimed as one of the most talented landscape artists of his generation.”

Marc Adamus LIE #2

Marc Adamus LIE #2: “Marc has been acclaimed as one of the most talented landscape artists of his generation”.

  This juicy, outrageous LIE can be found at Marc’s main website (no, not, the other one) at
This LIE is so monumental that when looking at it, we didn’t even know where to start, for a moment there. One of the most talented landscape artists of his generation? What the heck is Marc smoking? 

  Is there any proof for this statement? Of course not. This type of empty, fraudulent boast is mainly based on the praise Marc has received from losers and nobodies on forums. Basically, a fraud like Mark Metternich comes along and screams from the top of the mountain ”Marc Adamus is the best photographer in history and in the future too!”

  After reading this delusional claim, Marc Adamus figures, OK, someone said I am the Best Ever and the Best that Will Ever Be, I’ll just go write that on my website! It doesn’t hurt that Marc thinks he is the best, too. 

  So, no, this claim didn’t result from multiple articles in reputable magazines, or rave reviews from any art critics, or anything that could even be remotely interpreted in the fashion that Marc did. Actually, Marc probably avoids these sort of venues, since they would likely rip him a new one and expose him to the world. 

The Marc Adamus LIES series is a new program on the Marc Adamus LIES blog. We will be running a numbered set of posts referring to specific Marc Adamus LIES we find. We are starting at “Marc Adamus LIE #1" and probably eventually reach numbers in the hundreds. Stay tuned for more LIES exposed!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Marc Adamus LIES is back online after cowardly Marc Adamus attempt to censor us!

Marc Adamus LIES back online

We are pleased to announce that Marc Adamus LIES is back online and fully functional at this time. Despite the COWARD Marc Adamus' best attempts to censor and silence us, he failed spectacularly. The truth can't be hidden for ever, and Marc has found this out the hard way.

Access Marc Adamus LIES at
Access here
Access the Blog here

Marc Adamus giving up on the Time Catcher idiots?

Marc Adamus &

Astute people will notice that Marc Adamus’ name doesn’t appear on the website of the collection of losers/liars known as “”.  Actually, Marc hasn’t posted anything on for a long time. While morons who like to follow Marc around, praising him everywhere, may be dismayed, this doesn’t surprise us. Marc is a user. He only joins these fake “organizations” because he feels there’s something in it for him. We’ll be talking about this more, especially as regards to the fake organization “Mountain Trail Photo”, the latest loser conglomerate to be “graced” by Marc’s presence. Marc felt Timecatcher had exhausted everything it could do for him, and he decided to move on to greener pastures. Much better to cozy up to the rich idiots at Mountain Trail Photo, who have money to waste publishing their own books and other material. Of course, having to self-publish is the glaring hint that the public doesn’t think your “contributions” are worth diddly squat.  In the future, we will be looking at the following:

Why Marc Adamus joined Mountain Trail Photo

Why Mountain Trail Photo is simply another mix of losers and liars

The proliferation of fake photo “organizations” and “clubs”, and why losers/liars create them and join them

Marc Adamus’ so-called “book” and the lies associated with his promotion of it

The REAL photo organizations that matter (and why your typical loser/liar is not a member)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Marc Adamus LIES main site in the process of coming back online!

Marc Adamus LIES returning soon!

As an early Christmas gift for Marc Adamus, we are pleased to announce that Marc Adamus LIES is on its way back! Our main site will be fully operational by the time Christmas is over! In the meantime, it may temporarily be access at this URL. We thank everyone for their patience and wish you all a merry Christmas*!

*yes, even Marc Adamus

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NEW! Announcing website & blog!

Announcing the Loser Photographers project!

The all NEW is available NOW. We will be tracking the fraudulent, terrorist amateur LOSERS who pose as professional photographers on this new site. See our welcome message on the NEW Blog!

Coward Marc Adamus attempts (and fails) to use lawyers to silence

Coward Marc Adamus tries to silence us.

  The LIAR & FRAUD Marc Adamus has attempted to use the “legal system” to silence Of course, his attempt ended in spectacular failure (as will be evident in a day or two), but not before he managed to upend our main site for a few days. It must be noted that most liars and frauds attempt to use the legal system to silence critics and whistleblowers. 
  The basic idea behind this is that the liar/fraud has become quite comfortable from the proceeds of his fraud, and can afford to do some saber rattling through his lawyer. After all, protecting the fraud-based niche he’s found is important. The lawyer files some papers and as everyone knows, most whistleblowers/fraud busters don’t have very big budgets. For a few hundred quid, you might make your embarrassing problem go away, for good.

  Not this time, though. has abandoned their current host who, by the way, folded like a wet noodle when Marc did his “don’t you know who I am!” impression, and we’ve moved to an ISP that values free speech and the truth. We’re sorry Marc, but you’ll really have to try harder next time. will be up soon! All the best! 

  As for iPage, we suppose they would much rather host much less controversial material on their servers, say, material from the Cult, uhhh, Church of Scientology or perhaps Holocaust Denial (a favorite of Kevin Mcneal, by the way). Needless to say, if you need a host with a spine, look elsewhere; iPage is an invertebrate.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Analysis of comments by Marc Adamus loving MORON Stephen Penland on

Analysis of Stephen Penland comments on

Stephen Penland seems to be a diehard Marc Adamus lover & supporter. We find his delusion & falsehood filled posts everywhere on Marc's portfolio. Let's look at his comments on the "Mountain Mountain" image (yes, we will soon be moving to new images, we promise):

Stephen Penland comment:

Our analysis:
Marc, we’ve had a lot of discussions here recently regarding digital manipulation.
Of course they have. Losers like Stephen do nothing but praise Marc Adamus and argue about trivial stupidity like “how much can we Photoshop before people cry fake” on forums like Anyone who does this is a fraud and no photographer.
I’ve been on the so-called “purist” side…
A lie, pure and simple, considering that he goes on to create a straw man argument of what does and doesn’t construe digital manipulation.
Some photographers use digital manipulation to make the decisive moment irrelevant; they create the necessary elements digitally.
True. Marc does this (not what he meant, but still)
As a result, many people (photographers and non-photographers) are asking “Is it real?” whenever they see a compelling photograph.
A valid question to ask in today’s fraud-based photography environment, made so by charlatans like Marc Adamus. The answer to the question, by the way:

Was the photo taken by Marc or some moron who loves him or links to him? In fact, was the image taken by a non-pro? It’s probably fake.

They want to know if the beauty and grandeur represented by the photo was actually witnessed and therefore represents a real experience, or whether the beauty and grandeur was created by tweaking a base image on the computer to create something that essentially was not witnessed but instead arose out of the creative mind of the photographer/digital artist.
The question is certainly valid. The irony is that the latter part describes Marc Adamus to a T.
I think there’s a real difference between digital manipulation and digital processing.
Of course he thinks that. This is where the straw man is being set up.

Digital manipulation creates something that wasn’t there.
Marc Adamus (and we assume, Stephen) does that all the time.
I view digital processing as overcoming the inherent limitations of a camera and the light-capturing device (whether film or digital).
Lie. Today’s camera has few limitations for the real photographer. For example, Chase Jarvis doesn’t spend any time combining exposures or messing with HDR. In fact, Chase Jarvis made an entire book with the iPhone camera. Fake photographers will always be blaming their camera for their failures, and messing with blending, “intelligent HDR”, or other forms of photography fraud, instead of admitting they’re no photographer and are charlatans instead.
[referring to Marc] You’ve also used to address the limited range of light that can be captured in a single exposure.

Limited range of light? What about film, which serious photographers are still using? It has a far more limited dynamic range than any digital camera ever designed. And again, real professional photographers are not “using digital processing to address the limited range of light….”. These kind of conditions usually indicate that an exposure may not be worth taking. The excuse here is always the sign of a particular weak photographer, who’s in a hurry to get famous on Flickr and can’t wait for “mother nature to deliver” the light show he expects.
So while I’m generally in the purist camp regarding digital manipulation.
Lie. If he was in the purist camp, he’d be condemning Marc’s Photoshop adventures instead of glorifying them.
Unfortunately, too many photographers (IMO) are advertising their digital manipulation as a real photograph, as a real capture of what they saw.
That’s exactly what Marc does. Nowhere on Marc’s main website ( is there a disclaimer saying that many of the images are combinations of multiple exposures and heavy manipulation. What a preposterous, arrogant double standard!
To pass it off as such is dishonest.
Unless you’re Marc Adamus, in Stephen’s opinion.

I wouldn’t classify this as computer-based art, but rather as photography that has used digital processing tools in ways that were not possible a decade ago to make up for limitations of the camera.
Dishonest lie. Today’s digital camera’s can’t be honestly described as having any significant limitations. Excellent photographs were being made long before digital manipulation, and continue to be made without this manipulation.

An excellent photo is the result of the inspired juxtaposition of compositional elements and light. The best photos rely on strong, simple compositional elements that are immediately recognizable. They have nothing to do with Photoshop, blending, HDR, camera limitations, or any other excuse. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill for frauds or a fraud himself, like Marc Adamus.
Personally, I don’t even consider this to be equivalent to a digital darkroom in the way that Ansel Adams changed the B&W tones of his images in his chemical darkroom.
The sheer dishonesty of this statement is utterly staggering. Losers are constantly trying to paint Ansel Adams as some extreme manipulator or as a man who would have surely embraced Photoshop wholeheartedly.

Let’s review that again: Marc combining seven different exposures into one image: not manipulating or a digital darkroom

Ansel Adams changing the tones of a black and white image with the limited analog tools at his disposal: serious manipulation that clearly exceeds Marc’s limits.

The dishonesty stinks like a rotting corpse. This Stephen character is a simpering sycophant as few have seen in the history of the world. We imagine he’d basically say any lie, no matter how absurd, to stay in the good graces of Marc Adamus.

Marc Adamus LIE #1: 7 exposures in 30 seconds (or less)

Marc Adamus LIE #1: 7 exposures in 30 seconds

 On, referring to his image “Mountain Mountain”, taken in Zion National Park (right off the road, too), Marc made the following statement:

This is a blend of seven exposures taken as quickly as possible…..
…..All this in 30 seconds or less so there was tack sharp detail throughout and so it looked the way I envisioned it.

 Let’s start with this important bit of info that immediately made the 30 second claim a preposterous lie:

I combined two successive 6 second exposures to get the streak all the way across the foreground.
 So we have one 6 second exposure, plus a 6 second noise reduction (dark frame) exposure, equaling 12 seconds for one exposure. Both exposure total 24 seconds just for the 2 frames. So Marc is implying that in 6 seconds or less, he was able to fire off the following:

-2 different exposures at F9 for depth of field
-2 exposures for highlight control
-1 exposure at F2.8 and ISO 800 to reduce wind motion in the trees

 Of course, the time quoted by Marc (30 seconds OR LESS) is absolutely preposterous, unless Marc can somehow move at approximately the speed of sound (or light).  Taking all these exposures and changing the settings in between would likely require at least two minutes, and probably closer to between two and three minutes. 

 We understand WHY Marc made up this lie. The idea is that if you shoot off a whole bunch of exposures in a couple seconds and then combine them in Photoshop (will he also claim that this was done in 30 seconds or less?), it’s somehow not a fraudulent construct because it was all done really quickly, and therefore essentially just a single image. We’ll let you try to wrap your mind around that sort of reasoning for a moment.

By the way, the “image” itself and all the manipulation that went into creating it is critiqued here.

NEW series: The Marc Adamus LIES

New series: The Marc Adamus LIES

We are starting a new program on the Marc Adamus LIES blog. We will be running a numbered set of posts referring to specific Marc Adamus LIES we find. We’ll start at “Marc Adamus LIE #1" and probably eventually reach numbers in the hundreds.  Our first Marc Adamus LIE in the next post.